In my last post, I shared how you can use ChatGPT to generate user stories. But did you know that ChatGPT is also highly effective for creating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, and other essential diagrams for Process Modeling?

Creating diagrams is a core skill for Business Analysts, and for many of us, it’s something we genuinely enjoy. So, automating it might not seem appealing at first. However, using ChatGPT for process modeling can offer surprising benefits.

Think about it: how often have you spent hours adjusting an arrow to go over or under another arrow without making the flowchart too complex? Or maybe you’ve completed a perfectly aligned diagram, only to realize you forgot a step and now have to figure out how to introduce the new element without tearing the whole structure apart.

On the flip side, how often have you thought, “Wouldn’t it be handy to have a flowchart or sequence diagram here?” but didn’t have the time to create one from scratch?

ChatGPT can help with this, though it’s not always as straightforward as generating user stories or other text-based responses. For instance, if you ask ChatGPT to create a flowchart for the lost cats and dogs platform I mentioned in the previous post—specifically for the onboarding journey of a pet owner who lost their dog—you might get something like this:

If you try asking it to use DALL-E for a visual representation, you’ll get something that looks nice but might miss important details. So, while it looks “nice”, it doesn’t always make complete sense.


While you were expecting something like this: 

Or you can quickly generate a sequence diagram like this:

Sequence diagram generated with ChatGPT

If the initial diagram seems too complex, you can refine it in just a few minutes to produce a polished, easy-to-follow sequence diagram.

Optimized ChatGPT sequence diagram

If the initial diagram seems too complex, you can refine it in just a few minutes to produce a polished, easy-to-follow sequence diagram.

Because ChatGPT’s initial drafts are often visually not visual aligned, I recommend starting with a few drafts and then modeling the final version in your favorite process modeling tool.

In my next post, I’ll show step-by-step how to create effective flowcharts and sequence diagrams with ChatGPT—so stay tuned!

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